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Pour-In-Place (PIP) Rubber Surfacing

The ideal playground solution

Seen on playgrounds and sports tracks everywhere, SYNPour™ Poured-in-Place (PIP) systems are the ideal surfacing solution for safe play areas, athletics, and aesthetics.

Customizable Playground Surfacing

Available in a multitude of colors, SYNPour Poured-in-Place rubber creates a colorful, seamless surface that can be applied almost anywhere both indoors and out. Customizable to fit any space or shape, the design possibilities are limitless and may include fun shapes or team logos.

SYNPour, Poured-in-Place, is mixed and installed on-site to form a unitary, resilient surface to reduce the severity of head injuries because of falls from playground equipment and can also reduce joint impact on athletes in training and competition. Safety without maintenance costs is another reason PIP has become a popular option for universities, schools, communities, and municipalities looking to reduce costs while increasing safety. SYNPour is also ADA compliant and wheelchair accessible which equals more fun for everyone.

Common Applications

  • School Playgrounds & Community Play Areas

  • Indoor/Outdoor training areas

  • Athletic Tracks

  • Paths & Walkways

  • Heavy traffic zones

  • Garden edging & Erosion protection

  • Pavers & Brick compliments

  • Porches & Patios

SYNPour™ 100

SYNPour 100 is a 1-component, solvent free, straight MDI polyurethane prepolymer with enhanced UV stability.

SYNPour™ 200

SYNPour 200 is a one component, UV Stable, solvent free straight aliphatic polyurethane prepolymer.

SYNStone™ 300

SYNStone 300 is a one component, UV stable, aliphatic polyurethane prepolymer.

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